
I am Athellia Dias – a disability and mental health service provider with over 25 years of local experience as a special education teacher, community worker, project officer and manager in various agencies and government departments. Thanks to the diverse nature of my roles, I have gained an in-depth understanding of Disability Care as an industry along with its alignment with schemes such as National Disability Insurance Scheme – NDIS.
As director of Links2Community, I am committed to providing innovative, specialised and tailored support solutions and connecting socially isolated individuals within the community. Passionate and self-driven, I truly love working with people with special needs, empowering them to become active members of the community. Coming from a multicultural background, I am very comfortable working with people with limited or no English language skills and have achieved great outcomes with them.
Links2Community has been established with the goal of addressing the complexities of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Australia’s biggest social reform that has transformed the support system for people with disabilities. Our vision is to realise an all-inclusive, flexible and accessible community, where no one is socially isolated, irrespective of age, disability, language or cultural barriers.
Through Links2Community, we aim to utilise my knowledge, skills and expertise to help people whose disability prevents them from meeting their needs and goals, especially those who fall through the cracks of the NDIS. We also provide consultancy services to individuals and organisations to develop disability programs, set up and refine internal processes and demystify the NDIS. Our team of skilled specialists have years of experience in the disability and mental health sector. We specialise in guiding you and your loved ones through the NDIS process, identifying your goals and delivering it as per the NDIS guidelines. We pride ourselves on being honest, ethical and professional. We do not have waiting lists for any of the services you require. If we cannot provide a service at the time of referral, we will notify you immediately.
Links2Community also provides Consultancy Services to new or existing disability service providers. If you are a new business, new to the NDIS or looking at business improvements by incorporating best practices, we can provide tailored solutions. We have a team of experienced and highly skilled experts in the disability sector that are proficient with compliance, governance, processes, systems and accounting solutions, including partnering with reliable service providers to achieve best possible outcomes to help you run your business efficiently and successfully.
Exceptional ability to work collaboratively with multiple Government and Non-Government
organisations to achieve best possible outcomes for people with disabilities, drawing on well-established networks and continuous / ongoing networking with new organisations.
Specialises in working with people with disabilities
who are negatively impacted due to their complex situations /circumstances particularly due to having multiple disabilities, being involved in the criminal justice system, due to cultural and language barriers etc.

Actively involved in transitioning
Family and Community Services (FACS), Ageing, Disability and Homecare (ADHC) clients and their funding over to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), during the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and strongly advocated on behalf of clients, especially those in complex situations, when liaising with the NDIA to ensure clients received continuity of funding and support services giving clients and their families peace of mind during a stressful time of change.
Specialises in working with anyone with a disability (0 to 65 years of age)
utilising knowledge, skills and expertise derived from 25 years of working as a Special Education teacher and in various community programs.
Continues to advocate on behalf of people with disabilities
with regards to NDIS eligibility and appropriate levels of funding so that they can access necessary support services to meet their needs thus enabling to live and participate in the community.
An all-inclusive, flexible and accessible community, where no one is socially isolated, irrespective of age, disability, language or cultural barriers.
Links2Community is committed to providing innovative, specialised and tailored support solutions and connecting socially isolated individuals within the community.